
A warm thank you for the festival of 2024! Tampere Theatre Festival attracted approximately 56,000 festivalgoers.

The next Tampere Theatre Festival will be held 4–10 August 2025 – see you then!

Tampere Theatre Festival is the oldest and the largest professional theatre festival in the Nordic countries, serving as a display window for the most interesting and up-to-the-minute productions in Finnish theatre, and attracting leading international guests from all corners of the globe. Annually in the beginning of August the city of Tampere becomes Finland’s theatre capital as local and international performing arts troupes take over the city’s stages and squares.

Below you will find the contact information of Tampere Theatre Festival office and staff. You will also find a list of the members of the board and the artistic team.

If you are interested in taking part in the festival and you would like to propose a production, please click "how to apply".

The Facts & Figures section includes background information about Tampere Theatre Festival, as well as information about the different programme categories.


    +358 3 222 8536

    Tampere Theatre Festival
    Tullikamarin aukio 2
    33100 Tampere, Finland

    +358 3 214 0992

    Ticket Sales for the 2024 festival begins in May 2024.



    Emails of staff members (marked with *): firstname.lastname(at)

    Executive Director
    Hanna Rosendahl*

    Office Manager
    Seija Parviainen*


    Head of PR and Marketing
    Tiina Hurskainen*

    PR and Marketing Coordinator
    Jasmiina Rauhanen*

    PR Assistant
    Kari Söderqvist

    PR Assistant
    Miro Leppäsalo


    Jonni Pantzar*

    Production Coordinator
    Fanniina Tuomola*

    Production Assistant
    Tero Raatikainen*


    Juhani Valkama*




    Ticket Sales Coordinator
    Iida Sahlman*


    Coordinator for International Guests
    Saara Rautavuoma*

    Assistant Coordinator for International Guests
    Elli Juola


    ARTISTIC TEAM (Main Programme)

    Hilkka-Liisa Iivanainen
    Theatre director, writer

    Tanjalotta Räikkä
    Actor, theatre director, writer

    Taija Helminen
    Playwright and dramaturge 



    Reino Bragge
    Panu Raipia
    Matti Hakulinen
    Mikko Kanninen
    Hanna Suutela

    Kristiina Koivunen
    Ella Näsi

    Aku-Paulus Sajakorpi
    Tommi Silvennoinen
    Kirsi-Kaisa Sinisalo 
    Kaisa Vatanen

    Tampere Theatre Festival will be organized next time between 5 – 11 August 2024.

    Main Programme

    The performances for the Main Programme are always invited to the festival by the artistic team, which currently includes director-writer Hilkka-Liisa Iivanainen, actor, director, writer Tanjalotta Räikkä, playwright, dramaturge Taija Helminen and festival's executive director Hanna Rosendahl.

    As of fall 2023, the members of the artistic team have two focuses. Tanjalotta and Taija will focus on selecting the national and international productions for the Main Programme. Hilkka-Liisa will also focus on selecting the international productions for the Main Programme, as well as working on the festival’s international strategy development.

    Tampere Theatre Festival continues to operate as a presenting festival with very limited possibilities for producing new work. The annual selection of the performances for the Main Programme is co-curated by the artistic team. The curatorial choices are based on the festival’s strategy and values, as well as the careful assessment of the artistic, thematic, technical and logistic aspects of the performances.

    Instead of an open call, the programming of the festival is an ongoing process led by the artistic team. If you are interested in proposing a production for the Main Programme, please provide us with sufficient information about your company and the production by e-mail: info(at)

    If the artistic team is interested in your performance and wants to know more, they will contact you.

    Please note, that due to the numerous artistic proposals, we are unable to respond to every inquire. Thank you for your understanding.

    The choices for the international Main Programme will mainly be made in the previous autumn. The Main Programme is announced annually in May. 

    Photographs, reviews, recommendations and DVD's only by request.


    See also the other programmes below:

    OFF Tampere

    Alternatively you could take part in the OFF Tampere Fringe Festival, which is open to all who wish to perform in the festival at their own expense. The online application for OFF Tampere opens on the website in May.
    For more information, please contact off(at)

    T Lab

    A wide variety of small-scale theatre performances, poetry, monologues, vocal performances and concerts. Performances for The T Lab Programme are by invitation only. If you would like to propose your production for the T Lab, please contact info(at)


    The performances for the Main Programme are always invited to the festival by the artistic team, which currently includes Tanjalotta Räikkä, Taija Helminen and Hilkka-Liisa Iivanainen. The Artistic team is in charge of the festival’s Main programme along with the Executive director Hanna Rosendahl.

    As of fall 2023, the members of the artistic team have two focuses. Tanjalotta and Taija will focus on selecting the national and international productions for the Main Programme. Hilkka-Liisa will also focus on selecting the international productions for the Main programme, as well as working on the festival’s international strategy development.

    Tampere Theatre Festival continues to operate as a presenting festival with very limited possibilities for producing new work. The annual selection of the performances for the Main programme is co-curated by the artistic team. The curatorial choices are based on the festival’s strategy and values, as well as the careful assessment of the artistic, thematic, technical and logistic aspects of the performances.

    Hilkka-Liisa Iivanainen

    Hilkka-Liisa Iivanainen (born 1980) is a stage director, writer and curator. She is currently working as a theatre director at Tampere Theatre. She has a bachelor's degree in theatre from the Chicago College of Performing Arts (2003) and has graduated as a stage director from the Uniarts Helsinki's Theatre Academy in 2010.

    Iivanainen's directorial works are mostly premieres of contemporary dramas and new adaptations of classics. Her works have been performed in various Finnish theatres and festivals, by the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE), and also internationally, e.g. in The United States and Mexico. During 2015-2018, she was the artistic director of Theatre Jurkka in Helsinki. Iivanainen was awarded an artist's grant for 2017-2021 by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

    In 2019, she was the first Finnish person to be chosen as a Fellow in the International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA) Global Fellowship Program. She has been a member of the jury for the International Ibsen Award since 2019. In addition, Hilkka-Liisa frequently visits international festivals, events and seminars as a speaker and moderator.

    Tanjalotta Räikkä

    Tanjalotta Räikkä (born 1962) is a freelance actor, writer and director. During her career, she has worked in several theatres across Finland both as a permanently employed actor and as a guest actor. Räikkä's long career has included involvement in independent groups and projects as well as about 20 movie roles and a great deal of TV and radio work.

    She is a founding member and a member of the artistic team of Theatre Telakka, which received the Finnish state prize for performing arts in 2013.

    In recent years, Räikkä has worked also as a writer and director. She has taught acting and held positions of responsibility in the theatre field, such as the role as a member of the National Council for Performing Arts.

    Räikkä has also participated in international projects and festivals in Germany, Mexico and Estonia among others. In addition to acting, she has sung backing vocals on several artists' albums. Hospital clownery is also very close to her heart.


    Taija Helminen

    Taija Helminen (born 1984) is a playwright and dramaturge, who has worked multidisciplinarily in the fields of theatre and multi-arts in different positions. She graduated Theatre Academy in 2011, where she studied in the degree programme of dramaturgy. In 2020 she graduated University of Helsinki and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree. Helminen has studied social policy as a part of her studies in dramaturgy. Her works have several social and political themes.

    Helminen worked at Lahti City Theatre as a dramatuge in 2017–2018, but for the most part she has worked as a freelancer. She has dramatized and written pieces, for example, for the Finnish National Theatre, Radioteatteri, Riihimäen Teatteri, Teatteri Avoimet Ovet and Teatteri 2.0.

    Photo: Carolin Büttner


    Tampere Theatre Festival

    Tampere Theatre Festival is the oldest and the largest professional theatre festival in the Nordic countries, serving as a display window for the most interesting and up-to-the-minute productions in Finnish theatre, and attracting leading international guests from all corners of the globe. The festival programme includes new drama, modernised classics, dance theatre, contemporary circus and street theatre. Tampere Theatre Festival takes place next time 7–13 of August 2023 around the city of Tampere.


    • The oldest and the largest professional theatre festival in the Nordic countries, founded in 1968
    • A week-long festival is held annually in the beginning of August
    • The festival draws around 90,000 visitors to about 400 events, more than 200 of the events are free of charge
    • The Main Programme is announced annually in May
    • Tampere is a luminous cultural city, one of Finland's largest urban regions, just 180 kilometres north of the capital city, Helsinki


    Programme Categories

    The Main Programme

    The Main Programme forms the artistic framework of the festival. Every year, approximately 20 theatre companies are invited to perform in Tampere. About 13 of these are Finnish and around 7 arrive from abroad. The performances for the Main Programme are always invited to the festival by the artistic team. Instead of an open call, the programming of the festival is an ongoing process led by the team.

    T Lab (formerly known as Programme Tent)

    The unique atmosphere of T Lab is perfect for both ethereal concerts and upbeat club nights as well as poetry and small-scale theatre performances. 
    The name of the programme changed for T Lab (in Finnish TelttaLab) in 2021 when the performances took place first time at the G Livelab Tampere.


    OFF Tampere

    What would a festival be without fringe? OFF Tampere fringe festival is open to all who wish to perform in the festival at their own expense. Every year about 35 companies participate in OFF Tampere.

    The Great Nocturnal Happening

    During the night between Thursday and Friday, the Great Nocturnal Happening and its carnevalistic atmosphere take over the city of Tampere as different co-operative parties, such as associations, companies, parishes and the City council itself, arrange happenings and events around Tampere.

    ... and also meetings, seminars and discussions

    Besides performances, various meetings, workshops, seminars and discussions are also organised during the festival week. Some of them are open to the public, some for professionals only, but all of them bring together theatre lovers from different corners of the world.


    More Information

    PR Team
    tel. +358 3 214 0992

    tel. + 358 3 222 8536

    Postal Address

    Tampere Theatre Festival
    Tullikamarin aukio 2
    33100 Tampere


    The First 50 Years of the Festival

    The Birth of Tampere Theatre Festival

    When Finnish theatre got its own festival, Tampere was a natural choice with two strong theatres, Pyynikki Summer Theatre with its world-renowned rotating auditorium and a local journalist, Olavi Veistäjä (known also as Parras) who was passionate about theatre. Tampere Theatre Festival was born from this combination.

    The Festival got a push from the cultural revolution of the 60’s. During this time period, various new festivals sprouted up and in the midst of this wave, Olavi Veistäjä presented the idea of the Theatre Festival to the City’s Mayor Erkki Lindfors. During the autumn of 1968, Tampere City Council became the founding member of the Festival and started to make plans for the event to take place in August the following year. The other founding members were The Theatre Club of Tampere, TTT Theatre, Tampere Theatre and two actors unions. The goal was to present an overall view of Finnish theatre and this is exactly what happened. The festival offered an opportunity to compare and create an overall picture of Finnish theatres. The festival was also an ideal setting for seminars, discussions and meetings.

    The budget for the first Festival forced the organisers to limit their selection to local talent, which gave the amateur  theatres the opportunity to join in. The real surprise did come from the amateurs; a big hit amongst both the audiece and the critics was Tampere Pop Theater’s sensational musical, Hair, which was an economic saviour as well.

    Olavi Veistäjä’s season was formed from four three-year-periods. The first period introduced Finnish Theatre and the Festival soon became national. The plays were mainly Finnish in the mid 70’s, and in the late 70’s the Festival concentrated in the ”Best of theatre year”. The last 3-year-period was named ”The review of reforming Finnish Theatre”. Some selected theatres brought more than one of their plays to the festival to show their versatility. There were also some international visitors.
    Veistäjä had no prejudice with his programme choices. Even when he was 70, he was full of innovative ideas for the festival, but he also stayed realistic. He understood that the Festival would die out if the ideas – themes and performances – didn't draw in the audiences.

    Olavi Veistäjä was helped by an Executive Committee, (1969-1989) with members like Leena Lindfors, Simo Tavaste, Kai Savola, Rauli Lehtonen, Simo Johansson, Veli Sandell, Lasse Pöysti, Hannu Partala, Kaarina Suonio, Leena Vihola, Esko Roine, Mikko Majanlahti and Aila Manninen. Veistäjä’s closest associate was the Executive Director, Veli Sandell.

    The Festival was important to Veistäjä from the beginning to the end - he controlled its finances better than his own. In 1987 he withdrew from the roles of Debuty Chairman and Chairman of the Executive Committee after 19 years. Headlines screamed ”A Vacancy for the Pope”, theatre makers were shocked. The Executive Director, Sandell resigned as well.

    For a year the Festival was led by the Executive Director Markku Kontro.

    Tampere Theatre Festival Becomes International

    The grand old lady of the theatre world, Vivica Bandler, took the reigns in her hands in 1989. New winds blew during Bandler’s season as the Artistic Consultant and Artistic Director of Tampere Theatre Festival. The ”local feeling” disappeared and  the festival became a fresh mixture of Finnish, Scandinavian and other international theatre. Like Veistäjä, Bandler was a strong personality and didn’t lack ideas. Having worked abroad for a long time, Bandler was one of the most innovative characters of the theatre world and made Tampere Theatre Festival truly international.

    Together with the Executive Director, Leena Vihola, she marketed the Festival more efficiently and especially international contacts were multiplied. International press got interested and in addition to that, international festivals came over to source productions for them. More professionals from different sectors of theatre arrived year after year, when the word spread of the individual programme.

    It was decided that the programme shouldn’t be limited into certain themes. It should be given a chance to breathe easily and reflect the phenomenona of the time. Vivica Bandler built a strong bridge between Scandinavian countries and Europe. ”Vivica’s kitchen” was a well known concept around the world, where theatre folk, including the likes of Bertolt Brecht, had discussions about culture and planned the Festival programme.

    Bandler’s goal was to organise a festival that attracts its audience from Tampere and surrounding areas, as well as nationwide. These goals, which were successfully met, created a foundation for the event. It included a varied and high quality programme – the foundation that enabled the group of three and the new Executive Director to develop the Festival further.

    Tampere Theatre Festival – the present

    After Vivica Bandler’s distinguished season, the Executive Director of Theatre Center, Raija-Liisa Seilo, was chosen to be the Executive Director of Tampere Theatre Festival and the artistic team developed a functioning system that still operates: A team of three or two people together with the Executive Director are in charge of the programme. Their task is to view hundreds of theatre performances and choose the best ones through a tight sieve. After Raija-Liisa Seilo’s season, the Executive Director of Dance theatre Mobita/Dansco, Hanna Rosendahl, was chosen to be the next Executive Director of Tampere Theatre Festival in 2007.

    At present the proportions of the Festival are completely different from the beginning. The programme is more extensive and number of performances has increased dramatically – alongside with the audience numbers. The Festival has changed from Olavi Veistäjä’s small team to an organization with proficient people from different professions who work together with the valuable volunteer workers.

    The fundamental principle of Tampere Theatre Festival has been preserved: In Tampere we see an extensive selection of the best Finnish theatre. In addition it is possible now to see an international programme, which has covered a third of the Main Programme since Vivica Bandler’s season. Over the fifty years Tampere Theatre Festival has risen to be one of the most significant festivals in Scandinavia and the Northern Europe.


    Ahaa Teatteri (Ahaa Theatre)
    Hatanpään valtatie 6
    33100 Tampere

    Hällä-näyttämö (Hällä Stage)
    Hämeenkatu 25
    33200 Tampere

    Laikunlava (Library Stage)
    Kulttuuritalo Laikku (Cultural House Laikku)

    Puutarhakatu 1
    33100 Tampere

    Pakkahuone ('Old Customs' House Hall')
    Tullikamarin aukio 2
    33100 Tampere

    Tampere-talo (Tampere Hall)
    Yliopistonkatu 55
    33100 Tampere

    Tampereen Komediateatteri (Tampere Comedy Theatre)
    Lapintie 3a
    33100 Tampere

    Tampereen Teatteri
    TT Frenckell

    Frenckellinaukio 2
    33101 Tampere

    Tampereen Työväen Teatteri
    TTT Eino Salmelainen

    Hämeenpuisto 28
    33200 Tampereäyttämöt/vanha-päänäyttämö

    Tampereen Työväen Teatteri
    TTT Kellariteatteri

    Hämeenpuisto 28
    33200 Tampereäyttämöt/kellariteatteri

    Tampereen Työväen Teatteri
    TTT Suuri näyttämö (Main Stage)

    Hämeenpuisto 32
    33200 Tampereäyttämöt/suuri-näyttämö

    D Wing of the University Main Campus
    Kalevantie 4,
    33100 Tampere

    Sorin Sirkus
    Ahlmanintie 63
    33800 Tampere

    T Lab, G Livelab
    Puutarhakatu 1
    33100 Tampere



    Accessibility information | Main Programme venues 2024



    The theatre has a wheelchair, if needed.


    Wheelchair access from Satamakatu street entrance
    Also four (4) invalid parking spaces on Satamakatu

    Access to all floors with an elevator

    Suuri näyttömö has all together six (6) wheelchair seats,
    four (4) in row six and two in the box.

    Hearing aid
    Hearing aid on rows 6–9. May vary depending on the customers own device.

    Separate toilet with wheelchair access



    Nearest parking spaces in Hämeenpuisto

    Wheelchair access and an elevator to balcony

    Eino Salmelaisen näyttämö has two (2) wheelchair seats on the balcony.

    Hearing aid
    Hearing aid in stall, not on the balcony
    May vary depending on the customers own device

    Separate toilet with wheelchair access right next to balcony



    Nearest parking spaces in Hämeenpuisto

    Wheelchair access with an elevator on the right side staircase
    Staff will help if needed.

    Access to wheelchair seats

    Separate toilet with wheelchair access on the same floor as the auditorium, in the lobby of Vanha päänäyttämö. There are toilets also on the street level floor of Vanha päänäyttämö lobby. 





    Two (2) wheelchair seats
    Toilet with wheelchair access
    Elevator for wheelchair,  weight max. 225 kg
    Hearing aid at the floor on seats :
    45–51, 56–62, 68–75, 78–84, 91–99, 101–109, 115–124, 126–133

    Two (2) wheelchair seats
    Toilet with wheelchair access
    Hearing aid on seats 8–14, 21–30, 33–42, 47–56, 64–72


             All public spaces of Tampere-talo are accessible to the audience. Read more about the accessibility of Tampere-talo on their website.
            The Main Auditorium and the Small Auditorium are equipped with fixed induction loop technology.


    Elevator for wheelchair
    Toilet with wheelchair access
    Seven (7) wheelchair seats
    Hearing aid

    Wheelchair access
    Toilets with wheelchair access in Klubi
    and downstairs in Pakkahuone, access with an elevator


    Wheelchair access and WC



            The Venue is accessible. Nearest WC can be found at Cultural House Laikku.



             Wheelchair access
             Toilet with wheelchair access



              2 cm rise from the street to the front door, the ramp will be installed if necessary.
              The nearest parking spaces are in the Koskikeskus, P-Hämppi and on nearby streets.

              Toilet with wheelchair access.
              Eight (8) wheelchair seats, first row
              No induction loops.


              Main entrance from the Lapintie side. There are a few stairs when entering the main doors, where a ramp will be installed if necessary. A wheelchair lift inside.

              Toilet with wheelchair access.
              Induction loop throughout the auditorium.

              Two (2) wheelchair seats, 12th row.



              Main entrance from the Väinö Linnan aukio. All exhibition areas are accessible except the Steam Engine Museum of which only the top landing is accessible.
              The accessible toilet is located on the street level next to the cloakroom.
              Induction loop is available for use in the information desk, auditorium and Galleria Bertel.
              There is a wheelchair in the lobby for visitors’ use.
              An elevator to the other floors of the building is located near the cloakroom.



              Accessible entrance to the concert hall. Accessible restrooms downstairs, entry through a lift. Balcony upstairs is not accessible.



    There are good traffic connections that make it easy to reach Tampere from different parts of Finland and the world. We recommend our visitors to use public transport when arriving in Tampere.

    By train

    It is a well-known fact that a train is an eco-friendly way to travel. You can easily get to the centre of Tampere from different parts of Finland by train. Check the schedules on VR’s website.

    By bus

    Wide-ranging long-distance bus connections stop at the Tampere bus station near the city centre. You will find the schedules on the websites of Matkahuolto, ExpressBus and OnniBus.

    By plane

    You can fly to Tampere-Pirkkala airport from different European destinations. Please see more information on websites of airBaltic, Ryanair, Scandinavian Airlines and Finnair. From the airport you can hop on a direct airport bus no. 103.

    In case you arrive to Tampere by car, you can find the information about underground car parks on Finnpark.



    Our main programme’s venues are located in the centre of the city, only a walking distance from each other. It is easy to go by foot from one show to another. If this is not the best solution for you, you can also move around the city by using different vehicles:

    By bike

    You can bicycle through the city in no time by city bikes. In order to use the city bikes you need to download a Tampereen kaupunkipyörät app on your phone.

    By tram

    Traveling is easy on an accessible and frequent tram. The line 1 runs between Santalahti and the Central Hospital, and the line 3 between the Sori Square and Hervantajärvi. See Nysse website for more details.

    By electric scooter

    Electric scooters are a fun and eco-friendly way to move around the city when one remembers to consider others and drive carefully. There are many companies in Tampere that rent electric scooters. You just need to pick which scooter you want to use and get an app to use it: Voi, Tier or Ryde.

    By bus

    You can ride the local buses and go almost anywhere in Tampere. Please see routes and methods of payment on Nysse website.


    "Tampere. The most loved city in Finland. Finland’s second largest city area and the biggest inland city in the Nordic countries. The Sauna Capital of the world. Home to the only Moomin Museum in the world. Culture, congresses, nature, lakes, activities, great food, cool people, events and festivals all year round. Tampere is not just a city, Tampere is a state of mind!"  - Visit Tampere

    Tampere is the number one domestic travel destination for Finns. Here are some reasons why:

    Theatre Capital of Finland

    Tampere is known as the theatre capital of Finland, both professional and amateur theatres aplenty. Two major theatres that frame the centre, summer theatre, musical theatre, dance theatre, modern theatre, children's theatre – Tampere has got it all! Click here for more information about the different theatres in Tampere.

    Tourist Attractions and Must-Sees

    Want to see all of Tampere at one go? Visit Näsinneula, the second highest observation tower in the Nordic countries! Alternative to that is the Pyynikki Observation Tower, where you can enjoy their legendary doughnuts.

    The world's only Moomin Museum can be found right here in Tampere! Free guided tours are offered in English every weekend. Three exciting Moomin events await you at Tampere Theatre Festival: workshops, a Garden Party, and Moomins on the Stage exhibition!

    Tampere is a home to a plethora of other museums as well:

    Sauna Capital of the World

    In addition to being the theatre capital of Finland, Tampere is also the sauna capital of the world! Choose your favorites from 35 different public saunas, all with unique atmospheres. Have a go at Rajaportti Sauna, the oldest public sauna in Finland still in use – since 1906! Dip into the scenic lake Pyhäjärvi at Rauhaniemi public sauna or try one of the newer saunas, such as Sauna & Restaurant Kuuma.




    Tampere Theatre Festival promotes equality throughout all its operations. This is reflected in the programme choices of the festival as well as in the safer space principles that are followed in everyday operations.


    Tampere Theatre Festival is committed to preventing harassment and discrimination and to following the principles for safer space throughout the festival.

    All people are equal. Everyone has the right to enjoy the festival and the experiences provided by the performing arts. We do not tolerate any offensive behaviour or actions that cross someone’s boundaries. No one shall be mistreated on the basis of personal characteristics such as age, gender, sexual orientation, physical traits, functional ability, health condition, wealth, religion, culture or any other assumed background.

    We acknowledge that creating a safer and more equal space for all is a constant work in progress. This is why we are committed to working long-term towards achieving safer spaces.

    Read more about the principles for safer space here.


    Our goal is to organize our own productions in venues that are fully accessible. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. We are constantly developing our services regarding venue accessibility, and we keep in contact with our collaborators regarding accessibility issues. You can find more details on the accessibility of the Main Programme performance venues on our website. TLab performances all take place at G Livelab Tampere, which is mostly accessible.

    This website adheres to the WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines for the most part. WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) is an international standard for website content accessibility. According to the Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019), organizations in Finland are obliged to adhere to A and AA levels of the WCAG 2.1 instructions.

    Personal assistants accompanying people with physical or sensory disabilities are entitled to free assistant’s tickets. Assistant’s tickets to the Main Programme and TLab performances can only be booked through the Theatre Festival box office, tel. 03 223 1066.

    Tampere Theatre Festival programmes also include events that are free of charge. The festival has also joined the Kaikukortti programme. through which Kaikukortti cardholders can access free tickets to some of the Main Programme shows. The Kaikukortti programme is meant for clients of the municipal social welfare units who are in a tight financial situation. The aim of the programme is to improve the chances of young people, adults and families with financial constraints to take part in cultural and creative activities.


    Tampere Theatre Festival is participating in the environmental management programme Ecocompass to carry out environmental responsibility and to reduce the environmental impact caused by the festival.

    The festival achieved the Ecocompass environmental certificate in 2022. The certificate is part of the Ecocompass system which is based on the international ISO 14001 Standard and is suitable for all small and medium businesses as well as event organizations. The system is owned by The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto), the oldest and most influential environmental organisation in the country. The Ecocompass certificate can be given to an organization once they have created an environmental programme with the help of the system. The programme has to include objectives and concrete measures to achieve them. The certificate is audited by a third party.

    Along with this achievement, Tampere Theatre Festival is committed to continuing its environmental work.



    The EcoCompass environmental certificate
    As event organizers, we are committed to minimizing the impact of festivals on the environment.

    Complying with the standards of the EcoCompass environmental management system means we are taking measures such as fine-tuning our logistics and international flight arrangements to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible. We express our dedication to the well-being of the planet across our communication outlets, to the media, our partners and to our audiences. By placing emphasis on environmental issues and taking action, we are conveying a positive message to everyone – a message of a better future. The Tampere Theatre Festival is proud to be on the frontline of the Pirkanmaa region arts community, leading the way towards a cleaner, healthier Earth.


    Tampere Theatre Festival was granted the EcoCompass environmental certificate during the festival week 2022. The certificate is part of the EcoCompass environmental management system, which has been developed according to the international ISO14001 standard to suit all small and medium-sized enterprises as well as events. The system is owned by the oldest and strongest environmental organization in Finland, The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation.

    The EcoCompass certificate is granted when an enterprise or association has created with the help of the system an environmental program with goals and measures. The certificate is audited by an external source.

    With the granted EcoCompass certificate, Tampere Theatre Festival is committed to continue its work for the environment. The aim is to reduce the strain on the environment caused by the Festival and encourage both the attendees and partners to act in an environmentally friendly way.



    Tampere Theatre Festival is committed to preventing harassment and discrimination through its actions.

    All people are equal. We respect everyone’s right to self-determination and freedom. Everyone has the right to enjoy experiences of performance art, and the event itself, in peace. We do not tolerate any offensive behaviour or actions that cross someone’s boundaries. No one shall be mistreated on the basis of personal characteristics such as age, gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, functional abilities, state of health, wealth, religion, culture or any other assumed background.

    No person may be touched without their consent or harassed verbally, non-verbally or physically.

    If you observe harassment, discrimination or other inappropriate behaviour towards yourself or another person, please contact the event staff. If your own actions offend other people, be prepared to listen to their point of view and change your actions accordingly. If someone violates the principles of safer space or, despite the reprimand, continues to engage in offensive behaviour, the staff has the right to remove the person from the event.

    We try to choose our venues with accessibility in mind but unfortunately all of our venues are not accessible. We improve our services continuously and we will be in touch with our partners regarding the venues and their accessibility. For more information about the accessibility of the Main Programme and T Lab, please go to Info or Tickets at our website.

    Tampere Theatre Festival is aware that creating an equal and safe space for everyone means unfinished and continuous work. For that reason we commit to do long-term work for achieving safer space. We are prepared to recheck the instructions and revise them in the future. The Tampere Theatre Festival staff is responsible for the safety of the festival — please inform us if something conserns you or you have observed or encountered any harassment, discrimination or other inappropriate behaviour at our events.

    Contact information: Executive Director Hanna Rosendahl, hanna.rosendahl(at)

    You can also leave anonymous feedback during the festival week through an online form. The form is made especially for informing about situations that go against the principles of safer space. All information will be treated confidentially.


    Tampere Theatre Festival is a member association of Tampere Region Festivals Pirfest ry. The Principals of Safer Space are based on the principals created by Pirfest.


    The Future Leaders in Performing Arts project started in 2022 and ended in August 2023.

    The Future Leaders in Performing Arts is a new peer-to-peer network for emerging cultural leaders in the performing arts in the Nordic-Baltic regions. The network is built slowly and sustainably through a mentoring process. In the network’s inaugural year, four creative practitioners together with a group of mentors gather to explore and conceive questions and possibilities in updating power structures in the field of theater, dance and performance.

    The network recognizes the systemic barriers for participation in leadership roles in societies today. The participants are individually and collectively passionate in carving new pathways, challenging the existing paradigm and promoting new trajectories and paths to positions of agency and leadership.


    Future Leaders in Performing Arts participants in Tampere 2023
    The participants at Tampere Theatre Festival in 2023. Photo: Carolin Büttner

    Network Partners
    Tampere Theatre Festival (Finland)
    Festspillene i Nord-Norge (Norway)
    New Theatre Institute of Latvia / International Festival of Contemporary Theatre, Homo Novus (Latvia)
    Teater Grob  / Independent stage director and playwright Jesper Pedersen (Denmark)

    The Future Leaders in Performing Arts network is supported by the Nordic Culture Point and Operation Pirkanmaa.

    Nordic Baltic Mobility Programme
    Operation Pirkanmaa logo




    Instructions for Subtitle Mobile App

    Download free mobile application for subtitles

    Download free SUBTITLE MOBILE (By Loitsut oy) from App Store or Google Play already in advance, and make sure your phone battery is full.


    At the Theatre

    1. Make your phone silent or turn on Do Not Disturb Mode. Do not use Flight Mode, as you will need your internet connection.

    2. Open SUBTITLE MOBILE app and press ”Start”.

    3. Insert the code for the show, you can find it in the Theatre lobby, and press ”Start” again.

    4. Choose the show and the language, and press ”Start” for the last time.

    5. Subtitles will automatically start when the performance starts.

    6. You can adjust the screen brightness by touching the screen and dragging the adjuster that appears along the top edge of the screen.


    Subtitles via mobile app at Tampere Theatre Festival 2024

    Oulu Theatre & Carl Knif Company: Death in Venice
    Performed in Finnish, subtitled in English via mobile app

    Nenonen Niittymäki Paasonen Pietiläinen: Plup Plup
    Performed in Finnish, subtitled in English via mobile app

    Festival d’Avignon & Teatro Nacional D. Maria II: Catarina and the Beauty of Killing Fascists
    Performed in Portuguese, subtitled in Finnish and English via stage projection

    Iggy Malmborg: Satan
    Performed in English, subtitled in Finnish via stage projection


Main Partners

In Co-operation With


The EFFE Label 2024-2025

We have been granted an EcoCompass Certificate

  • We have been granted an EcoCompass Certificate