Kirjailijavieraana Rosa Liksom – Author Interview
Author and visual artist Rosa Liksom visits Main Library Metso for an interview.
Rosa Liksom (Anni Ylävaara) from Lapland is known as a versatile and talented art and culture professional. Liksom has won many literary awards in her career. The latest novel Väylä (2021) was nominated for the Finlandia Award. In 2011, Compartment No. 6 won the Finlandia Award, and the film made from it (2021) has also been awarded internationally. Liksom's books have been translated into several languages. Liksom was born in 1958 in Lapland and currently lives in Helsinki. Liksom is an anthropologist and has studied in Helsinki, Copenhagen and Moscow.
During his visit to Metso, Liksom talks about her work, her books and the band Liksom Lux. The interviewer is Library Services Manager Taina Sahlander. The event will be streamed by Metso STUDIO and can also be followed remotely on the Tampere City Library's YouTube channel. The space is accessible and the event is admission free. Welcome!
The event is produced in cooperation with Tampere Theatre Festival.
Liksom Lux will perform the same evening at T Lab.

| Main Library Metso
Metso Stage, Pirkankatu 2
- Thu 10.8. 16.30
Duration 1h
Free entry