Hip hop House Kidz
Hip Hop House Kidz, the children's dance group from Hip Hop House Dance School, will take over Ratina's Tapahtuma-aukio, where you can see the children's own freestyle dance and choreography.
Lisätietoja Hip Hop Housen nettisivuilla ja Hip Hop House Kidzien instgramissa.
For more information, visit the Hip Hop House website and the Hip Hop House Kidz instagram.
| Ratina Shopping Centre, Tapahtuma-aukio
Vuolteenkatu 1
Vapaa pääsy
- Thu 10.8. 17.00
Kesto 30 min
Actors and team
Hip Hop House Kidz on tanssikoulu Hip Hop Housen, lasten hip hop kisaryhmä
Koreografia: Oona Maria Orava