Blue and the House of Friendship


Original material by Katri Kirkkopelto
Written by Katja Krohn & Milko Lehto
Directed by Katja Krohn

Blue has been living in her house for a long time. Alone, with no friends. Not that she needs any friends, but now it’s starting to get a bit boring. Nothing really feels exciting… until there’s a knock on the door!

Based on Katri Kirkkopelto’s popular children’s books, Blue and the House of Friendship shows us how it feels when you suddenly surprise yourself and bravely head into the unknown which up until now seemed like the most frightening thing ever. It’s a story about finding happiness, conquering your fears and experiencing the superpower of friendship.

Blue is a ponderer, Little Sisu is a joyful dynamo. Together they learn that with a friend it’s okay to argue and be grumpy and then hug it out and have pancakes. It’s the best thing there is!

”It ends rewardingly with the beginning of a lovely friendship and a buzz of good vibes.”
Eija Mäkinen, Kulttuuriluuta