

Conceived by Haavisto – Kähärä – Rasila
Written and directed by Satu Rasila
Lyrics by Susanna Haavisto
Music by Anna-Mari Kähärä

Women’s lives in women’s words!

Written and directed by Satu Rasila, Sisterhood deals with womanhood and the impact of hormones. The topics range from the history of hysteria to PMS demons, appearance pressures, motherhood and aging. The tone is straightforward and comical, but femininity will not be turned into a joke. The heartwarming presence and age diversity of the women on stage, the sharing of experiences, and the soothing and soulful music remind you that you’re not alone.

Composer Anna-Mari Kähärä inserts jazz, pop, hip hop, the blues and roots music into her songs, making the musical groove like a gig.